board of directors

At Premium Textile, our board diligently oversees the group’s operations, following established rules and regulations. Comprising 3 sub-committees, they collaboratively present proposals for discussion, ensuring effective management and decision-making.

Mr. Abdul Kadir Haji Adam

Chief Executive

Mr. Mohammed Yasin Siddik

Executive Director

Mr. Mohammed Aslam Parekh


Mr. Mohammed Ali Jaliawala

Non-Executive Director Independent Director

Mr. Mohammed Tufail

Non-Executive Director Independent Director

Ms. Lubna Asif

Non-Executive Director Independent Director

Mr. Tanzeel Abdul Sattar (NIT Nominee)

Non-Executive Director Independent Director

code of conduct


The objectives of Premium Textiles Mills Ltd. are to engage efficiently & responsibly in the yarn manufacturing business. We seek a high standard of performance and aim to maintain a long-term competitive position for sustainable growth.

Standard Of Conduct

We conduct our operations with honesty, integrity & openness, and with respect for the rights & interests of our stakeholders. We shall continue conferring respect to the legitimate interests of those with whom we have relationships.

Shared Responsibilities

Premium Textiles Mills Ltd. is committed to increasing its value to customers, employees & shareholders by providing products and services to the concerns that it serves. We will fulfill this commitment while upholding the highest level of ethical conduct and meeting our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. Although laws may vary from time to time, our basic ethical standards do not vary and are set forth in this guide.

Upholding The Law

The Premium Textiles Mills Ltd. concerns and its employees are required to comply with the laws & regulations enacted at local, national and international level.


Premium Textiles Mills Ltd. will conduct its operations in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance. As a guardian of their investment, we will provide timely, regular and reliable information on our activities, structure, financial situation and performance to all shareholders.


Premium Textiles Mills Ltd. is committed to improvement in the working environment where there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels the pulse of responsibility for the performance and reputation of the company. We are committed towards safe & healthy working conditions for all employees. We appreciate the “to-do-it” instinct of employees that is beneficial for their growth and the company.


We are committed to providing quality products & service which are tailored for their intended use. The products and services will be supported by the requisite technical and commercial expertise.

Business Partners

We bind ourselves to establish mutually beneficial relationship with our contractors, customers, suppliers and other business dealings, and to promote the application of these principles in so doing. In our business dealings, we expect our partners to adhere to business principles consistent with our own.

Community & Society

Premium Textile Mills Ltd. strives to be a trusted corporate citizen and as an integral part of society to fulfill the responsibilities towards the societies and communities in which it operates.

Public & Associated Activities

Premium Textiles Mills Ltd. concerns are encouraged to promote and defend their legitimate business interests. We will cooperate with governments and other organizations, both directly and through trade bodies such as trade associations, in the development of proposed legislature and other regulations which may affect legitimate business interests.

Continuous Improvement

We have always endeavored for continuous improvement in terms of our products, services, and physical structure, tangible and intangible assets. This spirit serves as a guiding principle towards sustainable development leading to profits. Without profits and a strong financial foundation, it would not be possible to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above.

Shared Compliance

Every effort will be made across the board for compliance with the above mentioned principles.

Election of

Notice is hereby given that the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Premium Textile Mills Limited will be held on Monday 12th February 2018 at 03:30.P.m. at its registered office 1st Floor, Haji Adam Chambers, Altaf Hussain Road, New Challi, Karachi, to transact the following business:

  1. To confirm the minutes of the 30th Annual General Meeting held on 26TH October 2017.
  2. To elect seven Directors of the Company per the provision of section 159 of the Companies Act 2017 for three years commencing from February 12th, 2018.
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